Life Transference 5e

You sacrifice some of your health to heal another creature’s wounds. You are taking 4d8 necrotic damage, and a creature you can see within range of you gains variety of hit points equivalent to twice the necrotic damage you’re taking.

This effect is stronger at higher levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage is increased by 1d8 for every slot level above 3rd. A necromantic spell called life transference allowed a caster to heal another.

Life Transference 5e

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Scales: Yes
  • Casters: Cleric, Wizard

Casting the spell inflicted necrotic damage on the caster, but healed another creature at the same time. In order for the spell to work, a portion of the caster’s life force was transferred to the injured creature. The target creature must be at least 30 feet (9.1 meters) from the caster for the spell to be effective. Based on the caster’s skill level, the amount of life force the spell takes from him and the amount of healing it provides are determined.

Based on the wording of Life Transference, either the Aasimar’s Celestial Resistance would reduce both the damage and therefore the healing, or neither. As a result, both the narcotic damage received by the caster, and the healing the target receives, are in the same sentence, and each is being described as one statement.

As a result, you can say that the purpose behind the spell is to determine the ultimate outcome in one go. If a control like Celestial Resistance only applied to the self-damage suffered by the caster, and not also to healing, then the spell would describe the damage separately. In my personal life, I am afflicted with that intention, but that’s neither here nor there.

It is necessary to rewrite the text of the spell Life Transference so that determinations like these are easier to distinguish. A few big varieties of spells often lead to me making this press release with alarming frequency. Some of them seem to be written intentionally ambiguous, which may be a problem when there are so many overlapping and interlocking mechanisms in DnD for things to be interpreted in ways that cause problems (like this).
The Circle of Mortality would not apply to grave clerics. If you roll for damage to yourself in Life Transference, you are not healing a creature with 0 hit points; you are rolling for healing. Healing a creature with zero hit points is defined by the circle of Mortality. That’s pretty straightforward. Here is often a spot where, for story development reasons, the DM may prefer to do something else, but as a pure use of the mixture, it is a no-go.

When you take hits after 0 you lose a death save, when you take critical hits after 0 you lose two death saves, when you take one hit after 0 that might be as high as your maximum hit points you instantly die, but you do not track negative hit points. The spell claims you’ll heal twice as much damage as you’re taking, so if you don’t take negative damage then it’s capped by how much damage a character can take.

Additionally, you’ll increase it to a level 9 spell, but the thought of level 17 clerics or sorcerers killing you seems impossible. I am not sure how it is done. Generally, a level 5 cleric averages 26 HP, so two attempts wouldn’t be enough to kill them. A player’s level or a variety of them can affect how much damage/healing they will do. Aside from that, if the party drops AoE damage on them and reduces their health, they reduce the damage these NPCs can do to themselves to heal the “leader”.

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