Deep speech 5e (5th Edition) Language in DnD Languages

Language is a way to communicate, allowing us to express our opinions to others. Our thoughts become more concrete when we put them into words. put them into words. That provided the terms for the speech. There are many languages spoken in the world. Each country uses a different language to communicate their ideas. Currently, there are more than 6300 languages spoken in the world. The world has many languages spoken by its people. Unfortunately, English is the language most people in the world speak.

Introduction to Deep speech Language

A creature’s language is also known as profound speech. There are creatures that speak their language like no other. It is a form of alien communication. Alien or any other creature that does not belong to this world. It is not a language that humans can speak. This language belongs to another planet. And it sounded like it was delivered. There is an Espruar script used for the language. It was written by mortals. It was a language that wasn’t spoken, but it sounded like something living. The Esper script was useful and graceful. They were also used by mortals. Mind language is also called that. Mindflayers and beholders are the main users of this Deep Speech language. Language delivered by Deepspeech sounds like gurgles and inserted. There are non-speakers who use this deep speech-language, but they are like aliens or creatures that are not humans. The world is full of ancient languages. Among the ancient languages is this deep speech.

  • Script: Espruar
  • Spoken By: Aboleths, Cloakers, Aberrations, Mind Flayers, and Beholders.
  • Alphabet: Gnomish Pictograph
  • Availability: Obscure
  • Usage: Racial

The Best Sources To Get The 5E Dialect

  • SCAG = Swords Coast Swashbuckler’s Guide
  • PHB = Players Hand Book
  • MTV = Mordenkainen’s Tome of Adversaries
  • VG = Volo’s Manual for Beasts
  • MM = Beasts Manual


  • Type: Language
  • Typical Speakers: Mindflayers and Beholders

What is the Difference between Deep speech and Under common language?

It’s one of the languages that appear in aberrations. This language is only spoken by aliens or other creatures. Dragons speak the dragonic language. Alien languages are also known as creature languages. Espruar script is used in the deep language. Underdark’s common language is called Under common language. Underdark’s language does not use words. The Espruar script was used by the Mortals. Most intelligent creatures communicate through a common language. Dragons are the most dangerous of all creatures. Dragons are the only creatures that speak this Dragonic language.

Details of Under common language

Underdark creatures speak Undercommon like Dragons. This language was written using the Espruar alphabet. The difference between profound speech and under joint is that mind flayers use Deepspeech, whereas underdark uses Underdark common language. This language combination was created by the slaves of the drow under a common language, also known as the Drow language combination. Silent hand-code is the sign language of the Drow, which it uses to communicate in the Underdark. Drow and elf sound similar in the under common language.

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