Turtonator Weakness – Turtonator Pokémon Evolution, Stats, Moveset :
- jamesgre
- 0
- on Feb 15, 2022
The Turonator has a weakness. Here is a comprehensive guide about Turtonator Evolution, Basic Information, Stats, Where to find it, Turtonator Moveset, and Weaknesses.
We will discuss some Pokémon gadgets and tools in this article and our main topic of discussion will be Turtonator’s weakness. “Turtonator” is a Japanese word comprised of the words “bakugamesu” (explosion) and “kame” (turtle).
Who is Turtonator and What is Turtonator weakness?
Pokémon Turonator is a special kind of sword. This item can only be found in the exclusive Pokémon edition and sword version of the game. This item can only be found in the exclusive Pokémon edition and sword version of the game. It can only be found in the exclusive Pokémon edition and sword version of the game. Turtonator is a fire and dragon Pokémon. This type of Pokémon can cause more damage on the ground and on rocks.
When this type of Pokémon move is used, it can take less damage from Bugs. These Pokémon are of the steel, electric, fire, and grass types. This Pokémon is so weak on ground because it is a blast-type turtle. If the sun is full, then the chances of catching the turtonator in the lake of outrage are 2% since it lives in the volcanos and eats sulfur and many other minerals. Additionally, it consumes volcanic materials when they explode. It can only be found in Aola. Additionally, it consumes volcanic materials when they explode. It can only be found in Aola. Moreover, it consumes volcanic material when they explode. It is only found in Aola and is from the 7th generation of Pokémon.
The name of a Pokémon can also describe its qualities. Turtonator, on the other hand, is a firebreathing turtle-face dragon that blows fire, and its colors are yellow, brown, red, and grey. This dragon does not evolve. This type of Pokemon is number 347 in the Galaxy of Pokemon. Turonators breathe fire, and they are turtles. Draconians are also part of their make-up. Turonator has a spiky shell and their colors are yellow and red.
He is weakest in his belly, which has a spiky hole. They look like turtles from every generation. In addition, their appearance is similar to that of the South African freshwater turtle Mata Mata. It is a bipedal, draconic turtle-like creature with spiky shells on its back. He is the result of combining turtle and detonator elements. His name also contains the word Ton. In addition, his name is similar to that of the terminator. We have now discussed the weaknesses of the Turtonator in detail.
Turtonator’s moves:
Turtonator can have many attacks to attack his enemies when the level of the game increases, then it will learn how to move and expand with the hotkeys. It can also learn what type of eggs to attack. By looking at TR numbers and how eggs move, it can learn what type of eggs to attack. In this point I am giving all the levels that Turtonator learns as he advances through the levels.
(Poison) Smog
Tackling (normal)
Protection (normal)
Endure (normal)
The flail (normal)
(Fire) Incinerate
The iron defense (steel)
The Dragon Pulse (dragon)
(Normal) Bodyslam
Turtonator abilities With weakness:
The turtle pokemon has a strong defensive system and when any enemy attacks, its tiny spikes on its shell will sparkle and blow out the exploded material from its belly hole. Upon winning his trust, however, the turtonator leaves behind highly explosive materials.
Turtonator weakness on entries:
1: The sun:
During sunny hot days, the shell on his back becomes chemically unstable and the explosion process begins. His weak point is his belly hole.
2: the moon:
On moonlit nights, he gushed fire and released poisonous gases from his nostrils and nose. Furthermore, his dung is explosive, and he can place it wherever he wishes.
3: Ultra Sun:
As we all know, these types of Pokémon live in volcanoes and are able to eat sulfur and mineral rocks. He can also consume the materials found in the explosive shell of his shell.
4: Ultra moon:
In spite of being a very dangerous explosion material, its nature is very sensitive to moisture. During rainy weather, these types of Turtonators go into the caves for a quiet refuge.
5: Sword:
An explosive material is attached to his back. When the real enemies attack him, a powerful explosion occurs from a distance.
6: Shield:
The sulfur eating habit comes from living in caves and volcanoes. Many types of explosive materials will develop on his back, and all of them are extremely dangerous for the enemies.