Lightning Lure 5e
- jamesgre
- 0
- on Feb 22, 2022
Greetings and welcome to the Lightning Lure spell breakdown! As for lassoing your enemies, you’ll be surprised to discover that the Sword Coast Adventure Guide provides more cantrips than just Green-Flame Blade! Lightning Lure may not have made any of our lists of best cantrips for wizards, warlocks, or sorcerers… not to mention best cantrips in general. Although this isn’t a diamond in the rough, Dungeons and Dragons 5E has a lot of wonderful cantrips within the early-to-mid game, and now you’re getting to learn one brand new!
Creating a lash of lightning energy, you strike one creature within range that you can see.
Lightning Lure 5e
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 15 feet
- Components: V
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Scales: Yes
- Casters: Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
At higher level
Once you reach the 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8), the damage increases by 1d8.
Lightning Lure may be a hybrid utility/damage spell for our three main arcane spell users. An unlucky creature within 15 feet is pulled 10 feet straight towards the caster after making a Strength saving throw. In the event that that finishes up being within five feet of said caster, you will receive a 1d8 shock. A bit more scaling occurs every 5th, 11th, and 17th level, with a maximum of 4d8.
Simple enough, right? As far as cantrips go, it adds extra utility while dealing relatively low damage to single targets. Let’s tie a lasso around why this can often be an honest investment for a cantrip slot.
Lighting Lure doesn’t get to be prepared since it is a cantrip. The spell does not require concentration or resources to cast. Lightning Lure has a hidden bonus: it does not require a Somatic component. As long as you can speak, you can use this spell to draw them toward you and deliver a sudden shock.
A significant problem with Lightning Lure is that it moves you, as a caster, into melee with something. In melee, there are builds that can be useful for casters, but most Wizards and Sorcerers struggle to find the health needed to copy them. On the other hand, warlocks have pretty good melee builds, but spending one of your precious spell slots on Lightning Lure leaves less room for using higher damage cantrips to complement this role.
The spell is situational, but the scenarios in which the spell is beneficial are surprising diverse! The ability can be used in conjunction with any area spell you have; causing opponents to be pulled into traps – like Cloud of DaIn addition to helping melee-ranged allies, it can push enemies into positions where they are more easily flanked or surrounded, preventing their escape and allowing your allies to deal more damage.ntial of your allies. If the roof is low and an enemy is flying out of reach of your Barbarian, you will pull them down.
Eventually, the usefulness of the spell is eclipsed by other abilities that allow you to control the battlefield far better, close the gap between you and your opponent more efficiently, and deal more electric damage to them. Essentially, Lightning Lure is a spell you cast to bring an enemy closer to you once they are outside the range of movement action, and you want them to be in your range next round.
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