Temple of the Gods 5e
- jamesgre
- 0
- on Feb 21, 2022
Within the parameters of being enclosed by walls, a ceiling, and a door, the temple could have any appearance the caster desired. As many windows as the caster desired and any level of illumination were possible inside, which exuded an incense aroma. Those creatures designated by the caster could only open or close the door.
The temple opposed one type of creature determined by the caster, which could be celestials, fey, fiends, or undead. The chosen type of creature could only enter the temple if it resisted the spell’s repulsion, but its efforts were hindered as if under the influence of a bane spell. The temple was blocked from divination sensors targeting the world or people inside.
Temple of the Gods 5e
- Casting Time: 1 hour
- Range: 120 feet
- Components: V, S, M
- Duration: 24 hours
- Scales: No
- Casters: Cleric
The temple’s structure extended into the Ethereal Plane, and its magical material could not be traversed by any means. Antimagic fields and dispelling magic had both been unable to affect the temple. One of the only spells capable of destroying a temple of the gods was disintegrated.
Afterward, the temple disappeared after twenty-four hours of the spell. The temple would become permanent if the spell was cast daily for a year at an equivalent location.
A temple will appear on the bottom you’ll see in your range when you cause it to shimmer into existence. A temple must fit within an unoccupied cube of space, up to 120 feet on all sides. sides. After the spell ends, the temple remains. Whatever holy symbol is used in the casting represents whatever god, pantheon, or philosophy is being honored.
Once you cast this spell, the temple will oppose the creatures you choose. Select one or more of the following: celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead. When a creature of the chosen type attempts to enter the temple, it must make a Charisma saving throw. If a save is failed, the player cannot enter the temple for twenty-four hours. The creature can enter the temple, but its magic hinders it; whenever it makes an attack roll, a capability check, or a saving throw within the temple, it must roll a d4 and subtract that number from the d20 roll.
The sensors created by divination spells cannot appear inside a temple, and the creatures there cannot be targeted by divination spells.
When any creature within the temple regains hit points from a spell of 1st level or higher, it regains an additional hit point equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).
The temple is composed of an opaque magical force that extends into the Ethereal Plane, thus blocking ethereal travel into the temple’s interior. Physical travel cannot pass through the exterior of the temple. The antimagic field cannot dispel it because it cannot be dispelled by dispel magic. If a temple is disintegrated immediately, it will be destroyed. You can make this effect permanent by casting this spell a day for a year on an equivalent spot.